Saturday, February 24, 2007
HAHAHAS todae outing wif my gals !! but -.- sad von nt here orelse WE R TOGETHER AGAIN (the 8 of us =x) hmmm wen to eat shushi buffet at lot 1 hmm eat until vomit so full lols.. hmm then go plae arcade.. plae bball game then race car =x after tat.. xr ,yh and mj go liao.. left mi xp ch and ht... hmm then go shop shop awhile then go westmall there.. reach there go buy bubble tea then shop shop then went to mac there sit down.. hmm todae gt soccer match united state vs dunno wat country.. then hmm we sit down there eating fries and talking then... saw someone then i look OMG CHEN WEI LIAN saw him wif a group of frens.. sit behind mie onli !! lols actualli nth also i also dun like him =x took some pic of him..

my zhi lian pic =x

skirts ><

Friday, February 23, 2007
..TIRED -.- but tml dun need to work so nvm.. todae as usual ot till 10 mi and mad.. cause evon , joy, skafa gt something on -.- LOLS! wa so lucky i stay and work gt MAC eat for dinner =x eat mac spicy meal shiok so spicy =.= my stomach like burning lols then sharon (supervisor) wa praise mie sia =x so shock man.. cause last time always sa ei playful suddenly praise mie.. quite happi na LOLS..!! but i hate tat stupid idiot guy -.- LOLS von sure noe whu hors =x.. ask mie to this and tat.. kns =.= nxt time i become the boss he come interview sure fire him striaght away!!.. ARGH dun like this kind of employer.. forget it must be a happy day todae =x LOLS hmmm tml gals OUTING =x wann go sing sing sia so long neva sing =x lols gotta sleep soon tml post again =x nitex
Thursday, February 22, 2007
hmm TIRED -.- todae OT till 10 hais ya hate someone in our company but too bad he likes my dear fren evon.. =x so i cannot sae anything.. hmmm hahahas reach hm around 11 plus.. cause i take evon father car so i reach hm earlier hmmm.. so tired don feel like working tml -.- cause fort he SCIK OF THE.. so must come nvm.. but quiting soon end of march gotta find part time job soon lols.. o ya saw some aunties in the canteen wen i go makan dinner the aunty look at mi then i look back.. OMG AUNTY =.= she scold mie siao gal.. -.-" nvm then chat chat wif her then she sae the story again.. sae i'm tat gal the ah wee blah blah blah (tat time famous of one guy wooing mie -.-) then sae whu still working then who's nt working anymore.. kind of missing my dear fren MICHELLE! dunno where she's now -.- hope her health is better nw.. lols.. hope c them soon.. wen i gt ot again ba =x go sleep liao =x nitex
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Monday, February 19, 2007
Sunday, February 18, 2007
HAPPY NEW YEAR =xhope everyone WILL HAF LUCK!! =X hmm this year quite a boring dae.. two daes went to my ah ma house eat streamboat eat 4 bowl of shark fin =x (NICE! cause my mother cook de =x ) then night i go buy mac eeat.. cause the streamboat gt nth to eat de.. lols then my cousin aunty uncle come my ah ma house bai nian then.. my ah ma sae my face become fat fat -.- then other aunty sae my face so flat -.- then last time so ugli y suddenly turn so pretty liao -.-! damn her.. issit tot i go do surgery or wat sia.. lols after tat go to my father side de sis house.. then they also sae i change alot if i walk pass them they dun even noe tat one is mie -.-" wa sae until like tat.. sad =( hmm hongbao abit onli my parents most gerenous de =x gif the most money =x then ah ma decrease the hao bao money -.- nvm.. hmm tml going my ah gong house bain nian sure veri the bore.. then must meet my gan father also.. dunno wann gif mie wat.. he sae gif mi the bian bian thingy ba.. hmm c how la lols
Thursday, February 15, 2007
sians. . todae work 14 HRS =x.. but quite slack can surf internet =x now scanning some document.. alot sia -.- tink cannot scan finish lols.. then evon and joy at upstair uploading document.. left mie wif the night shift ppl
-.- so boring.. =X going hm soon.. left 20 mins.. xD yay new year is coming havent buy new year clothes -.- no time sia.. hais todae cannot plae audition =x
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
HAHAHAS.. happy frienship and V DAES!! hahaas todae veri slack in the office.. listen song sit down there chit chat.. lols then sharon half daes leave then tml she's NT COMING.. yay sure slack like hell =x tml after work go straight hm.. so guai =x neva go out sia.. i rather stay at hm use com lols.. then jus now jus come back from my dinner.. =x makan and makan lols.. hmmm wonder wher 's my sis? =x go dating or wat? havent come hm.. lols later she come back must kpokpo lols. o ya y ppl like to ask.. hey u gt stead anot -.- and y noone jio u on V dae -.- i hate it.. i rather stead wif gals =x wait till 21 ba.. then find one.. this year is STUDYING year =x wann aim for poly.. slack too much last year.. mixx wif wrong ppl on the first day of skool.. skip lesson plae com -.- hais so must waste another 2 years to study higher niteec -.- nvm jia you for myself lols xD o ya.. i apply for IT course at dover.. nt simei liao .-- cause my frens sae too far for mie i sure late one okie fine.. then choose dover near my house ma keke =x
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
hahahas.. hmmm yesterdae work for half day then meet zhide in the bus and went for the graduation ceremony at skool.. after taking the cert mi,mad,zhide,yilong head down to marina square cause zd wann take his pay.. after tat go makan saw jenny =.= working alone lols.. after tat go pub at clarke there.. wa.. first time go in pub.. smoky but got karoke went in and sing songs then mad and yl go in drink then yl go smoke.. -.- then i sing sing then drink plain water cause my stomach nt gd cannot drink later end up in hospital again -.- then zd go first caus ehis aunty call him to go hm early.. then we stay there chit chat till 11+ then go hm.. reach hm at 12 + then -.- kena nag by my mother -.-" then actualli don feel like working todae.. cause for the sake of the attendance bous i come -.- sleep for 4 hrs then wake up go work.. hmm later must sleep early keke.. kks go plae audition liao =x
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
..nt feeling veri gd todae cause of tat stupid bubble tea -.- i cant ddrink any drink tat gt a tea inside it -.- then i go drink.. then my illness can again breathless nw -.- then todae go makan my lunch go drink lemon tea again.. forget again.. sians liao dunno wen my illness going to recover again -.- I WANN GO SKOOL
-.- i prefer study then working liao.. so boring still can plae wif my classmate then go out blah blah.. hmm i tink i going dover study ba.. actualli i wann SIMEI de.. but they sa ei surly cant wake up on time sure will go skool late.. so... must choose the nearer one -.- this fridae O lvl result hope my laopo will score well ba =x go poly don come ITE.. cause she dun wann =x hmm go plae audition liao =x
Friday, February 02, 2007
hmm todae go jogging after work so tired run 5 rounds then after tat walk 2 or 3 rounds then go hm .. sians havent buy my new year clothes nxt week then buy -.- tml going for 2 interview one is private waitress another is kitchen helper or waitress also.. HAHAHAS onli wann gain experenice nt like wann earn so much $$ hars hahahas =xso windy sia this weeks dunno y.. so cold man go office wann freeze like hell.. lols dun like working in office wann change job sia so boring everydae same same same de -.-" nth special.. must well i open one shop then i can do watever things i wann!lols hmm go plae my audition liao -.-