HAHAAHAS.. come update liao =x HAPPY BITHDAE MENG FAI!! lalalas... hmm never forget ur birthdae na.. happy and bleated bithdae to wei seng on 20 , robin on 23 , chunhao and my gan dad on 25 , my bro and chen zhang on 26.. hmmm sians all my frens quit the sicking job liao.. left me and skafa... but tml she's taking one day off to register her ite -.- sians left me wif the shift 1.. i HATE THEM.. but heng tml one of them taking mc.. so nvm na.. tml eating breakfast alone lunch HAIS -.- nvm.. heng i gt a hp to sms my frens orelse i sians one.. planning for chalet or bbq on my birthdae.. but dunno wann chalet or bbq seh.. -.- " tml must call the downtown there ask if cna the book if cannot we all go bbq hors.. =x will intive alot of FRENS seh.. =x all must come..
hmmmm hate my job seh.. the freaking gals there.. hmmm we all keep on saying them she.. -.- so angry.. nvm.. okie after work head to xp house help nanny to dy eher hair seh.. lols all dunno how to dye hhair seh must go their house dye for them =x kena shock seh tot they nxt week then go hong kong.. then they tell me TML!! omg gd seh =.= hmm ask them help me buy mickey stuff seh.. =x they sun then come back so gd seh their skool cca.. =.= i wann join but too bad only clementi students can join seh.. kns seh they sae my hair look like kid.. ya na i noe my fringe veri funni na.. must wait till long ba then okie liao =x keke hmm think go sleep liao.. heng tml another shift ppl.. hope nth happen seh.. don kena sae by them can lliao =x
hmm yesterdae went to watch movie in the night wif my fren =) go watch the messenger.. kns so scary seh -.- keep on covering my ears.. lols my fren more worst he shout -.- " hmm then aftertat go hm lors.. hmm then todae went to reborn my hair wif my sis.. heng it's nt so damage seh.. but the person cut my hair so short look so noob -.- faster grow na my hair~ 2 more weeks to get my appeal result feel so uneasy.. so scare i cant go in =( i will cry de lehs -.- kks na go plae audition liao..
hmm jus bath hao..todae time pass veri veri slow -.- so sleepy......then finally after work go jurong east there wif von mad and skafa.. go makan take neoprint and watch movie.. hmm we watch the haunted skool scary seh.. but they sae nt scary.. but overall quite nice na -.-" aftertat go take bus hm ... hmmm so tired seh.. orya jus take my new SPEC.. lols my degree had drop to 750 actualli is 800 .. LOLS decrease seh.. happi na =x kks na go plae my game while waiting for my hair to dry.. =x
todae jus taken =x

hmmm.. jus come back... after work me and von go yishun the nxt stop there meet her frens.. hmm go her house there sit sit.. so big seh... aftertat... we go down to the cc there plae badminton.. hmmm to long neva plae my hand gt MUSCLe CRAMPS.. -.- whole hands soft seh.. like puppet hands =x no energy to move.. we plae plae plae for 1 hr plus then.. go hm then .. hmm dunno y keep on tinking if i can go tamp sucessfully anot like everydae keep tinking and thinking.. =( but it's so far sia.. actualli i apply dover for my 1st choice.. then i c the result -.- it's unsucessful then i appeal tamp orelse i die die also dun wann seh -.- hais ..if i can go..must study hard liao.. hmm go patch my audition.. =)
HiaS.. SO SAD.. =( cant go to any skool i choose.. go appeal tamp first.. if unsuccessful then take nxt intake liao ... regert y i study so ppor.. y i mix wif wrong ppl wen i was in first year.. alot of Y Y Y! no use to sae nw..
WAT A BORING DAY TODAY................... lols so go and change m blogskin.. so sick of my zilian pic =x then beside me tat siao gal help me to find this M.I.C.K.E.Y M.O.U.S.E BLOGSKIN ! actualli she's finding her own one then she c this mickey mouse one then pass me the link and dl it =x damn slacking this few daes.. HAHA cause noone come downstair and spy us! SO.. we go do our stuff go msn go play online games go friendster blah blah blah.. then my stomach also pain pain dunno .. -.- tink my illness is coming back again!! OMG so todae i veri guai neva drink any cold stuff... but wen i eat some sweets and tibits my stmoach so pain =( HAIS.. dunno todae can go hm online anot.. dunno y gt virus tink either my sis nor my bro go dl wat stupid stuff then kana virus then my sis wann format the com.. heng i save all the stuff in my sis harddrive.. orelse i gotta kill her/hm =x feel like reborning my hair.. finall my hair grow longer and longer cause from SEC 1 TILL SEC 4 MY HAIR STILL THE SAME LENGTH.. but after i finish my nitec.. hmm finalli c my hair grow lols.. regert of making my HAIR PERM.. 2 month ago -.-" then my mother ask me to reborn next year.. freak seh.. but i also dun care de.. if i wann reborn means I WANN =) lala tink go do my stuff later kana =x
hmmmm after work went to fishball house wif my gals yesterdae... he also iinvite 2 pri skool and 2 sec skool frens up there.. lols eat steamboat wif them aftertat they go plae gamble then i go use thier labtop and plae audition -.- then my pri skool fren tat idiot luke sae my character havent change since pri skool.. then somemore still sae my voice still like na na like tat.. -.- " so idiot yayaya then guys run away.. freak him then keep laughing wif weihong they all.. nvm u think my character can change so easily hars... hmm but i like my character ma.. at least can make u all smile smile =x so gd lols.. i also dun wann to stead wat.. so i don scare if there's no guys wooing mie.. cause i so playful so lam so talkative lehs =) lols okie then evon and nanny go back at around 9 something cause if they go later than tat they cant catch the last bus.. hmm then left wif luke fishball weihong azhar ahemi ch and mie ... then they keeping on qustioning mie.. like where u work,work as at and where,then y u neva tok liao make us laugh na.. -.- freaking ass.. then i don care i use ch laptop and plae audition.. then around 11 plus luke and weihong went hm.. they scare no bus mehs -.- they live so near onli.. hmm nvm after they go hmm.. then we sit till 12 something mi ch azhar helmi also went hm then azhar jus live afew floors away from fishball so he reach hm first.. then mi and helmi accompany ch to wait for the bus..after ch aboard the bus then we 2 chit chat lors.. cause he live at the same block as mie.. =x then chat about our neighbour blah blah sae last time i very young tat time always use staircase and challage my sis and bro c whu will reach the downstair first -.- he also noe.. pro sia.. hmm then reach hm around 12 something also.. lols then went to bed around 1 something after i bath and use com awhile... hmm then todae nth to do too.. stay and hm and plae audition... =x
this r the pic we took yesterdae =x
yummy =x

plae audition wif ch =x

weihong,luke,fishball,mi and ch =)(pri skool frens =) )

take 2

group pic !