hmmm yesterdae went to watch the transformers movie wif my dear =xxx hmmm the movie quite nice =))) aftertat go eat burgerking lols... then we sit under the block near cause it rain dizzy aftertat then walk back to my house there de busstop =xxx keke dear, wat i promise to u i will keep it so don worry so much.. and i also wann u to be happi okie =)))) luv u keke...nxt week start to work at Rocky Master =xxx it's in MS too LOLS.. so qiao last time i also work at MS too but now i work is at ground floor lols.. hope i enjoy my work ~~ will update soon if i free LOLS.. i gotta change my blogskin
hoho =xx about one week or more than tat i neva blog liao hors.. dunno y todae i decided to blog.. hoho went for work todae as usual veri bore =.= aftertat went to meet ch gin mj they all they eat at the food court but.. =xxx i special i eat ballss =xxx okie then sit at a corner and chit chat then went back to ther tuition centre again to take the flyers.. =x sit down there chit chat again till 10 plus then we went hm.. tml going to sing kbox and finding jobs too =))) =xxx
(to jeremy : wat's wrong wif u? xr already don like u... u jus give up on her ? if i help i also cannot do anything to patch back u and her...)
hmmm OKIE let mie update my blog.. =x hmm yesterdae went out wif my gals and dear wif his fren =x to celebrate HT bleated birthdae LOLS... went to kbox and sing song =x hmm quite boring na tat's wat my gals sae LOLS... cause those guys r too quiet hahahas =x sing till 11 plus like tat then go hm lors.. hmmm todae nevA go skool =x cause too tired lols later going out wif my dear =x hmmm will update soon.. too busi these few weeks na